- The FCC Under Trump, CounterPunch, December 25, 2024
- The Mobile Phone: Anchor of Postmodern Life, CounterPunch, December 7, 2023.
- Another Attempt at Net Neutrality, CounterPunch, October 26, 2023.
- Telecom Scandal: The Great Excise Tax Scam, CounterPunch, October 5, 2023.
- “5G,” ALEC and the U.S.’s Second-Rate Telecom System, CounterPunch, September 13, 2023.
- The Great Telecom Rip-Off, CounterPunch, March 23, 2023.
- The Cartel Economy and the Telecom Cartel, CounterPunch, January 5, 2023.
- NYC Digital Redlining: A Tale of Woe, CounterPunch, December 7, 2022.
- Secrets of an AT&T Scandal, CounterPunch, November 11, 2022.
- One Year Later, Biden’s FCC Nominee Remains In Limbo, The Progressive, November 1, 2022.
- AT&T Fumbles: the Tryanny of Big Telecom, CounterPunch, March 30, 2022.
- Dude, Where’s My High-Speed Internet?, The Progressive, March 4, 2022.
- Digital Redlining or Digital Divides, CounterPunch, March 3, 2022.
- Net Neutrality Still Matters, CounterPunch, February 10, 2022.
- The Broadband Plan Will Not End the Digital Divide, CountePunch, November 11, 2021.
- America’s Broadband Crisis: Making of a 21st Century Cartel, Monthly Review, September 23, 2021.
- Cities Struggle to End the Urban Digital Divide, The Progressive, September 16, 2021.
- Getting Connected, The Progressive, August-September 2021.
- Why Community Broadband Matters, CounterPunch, August 5, 2021.
- What’s Happening to the Telecom Trust, CounterPunch, May 25, 2021.
- AT&T’s “Harvesting” Scam, CounterPunch, May 6, 2021.
- An End to Broadband Inequality—or Just More of the Same?,
The Progressive, April 3, 2021
- Electricity vs. Broadband: Does History Repeat Itself?, CounterPunch, March 4, 2021.
- Confronting the Digital Divide: New York City vs. Verizon, CounterPunch, February 24, 2021.
- Taking on Telecom’s ‘5G’, CounterPunch, February 3, 2021,
- The Great 5G Hype, CounterPunch, March 20, 2020.
- Irregulators v FCC: The Trial Begins, CounterPunch, January 17, 2020.
- Taking on the FCC: Unraveling a $500 Billion Rip-Off, CounterPunch, June 7, 2019.
- Verizon Strike Exposes Broader Shifts in Telecom Labor Conditions, TruthOut, May 13, 2016.
- Save Net Neutrality: Make the Internet a Common Carrier, CounterPunch, April 25-27, 2014.
- Media Consolidation Intensifies: Can the Comcast and Time/Warner Cable Merger be Stopped?, CounterPunch, February 13, 2014.
- The School Broadband Scam: Kids Suffer as Telecoms Profits Soar, CounterPunch, February 7-9, 2014.
- Privatizing the Public Good: Is This the End of Net Neutrality? CounterPunch, January 15, 2014.
- Will 2014 Be the Year That Smartphone Filmmaking Goes Mainstream?, IndieWire, January 29, 2013.
- Obama Disses Digital Promise to U.S. Kids: Broadband to the Classroom, CounterPunch, August 9-11, 2013.
- The Great Sandy Shell Game: American Telecom Users Will Be the Real Losers. CounterPunch, July 18, 2013.
- Regulatory Capture at the FCC: Corporate Corruption and The Special Interest State, CounterPunch, May 24-26, 2013.
- Another Internet is Possible: Some Questions for the New FCC Chairperson, CounterPunch, April 5-7, 2013.
- Opium of the 21st Century: The Telecom Crisis. CounterPunch, January 25-27, 2013. Content is the opium of the 21st century telecom user.
- How Telecoms Sell Your Private Info to the Highest Bidder, AlterNet, November 8, 2012.
- Why Our Phones and Internet Are Being Threatened by a Big Telecomm Privatization Scheme, with Bruce Kushnik. AlterNet, July 26, 2012.
- ALEC, Tech and the Telecom Wars: Killing America’s Telecom Utilities, with Bruce Kushnick. Huffington Post, July 24, 2012.
- What Secrets Is Your Cell Phone Company Telling the Government About You?, AlterNet, July 11, 2012.
- Obama’s Broadband Vision vs. the Communications Trust, with Bruce Kushnick. Huffington Post, June 25, 2012.
- America’s Spy State: How the Telecoms Sell Out Your Privacy, AlterNet, May 29, 2012
- The Telecom Scammers’ Latest Ploy to Screw You for More Cash, AlterNet, March 21, 2012.
- Telecom Rip-Off: The Hidden Fees in Your Wireless and Phone Bills, with Bruce Kushnick. AlterNet, January 16, 2012.
- Occupy Telecom, Occupy the FCC: How the Communications Trust is Harming America’s Futures, AlterNet, November 18, 2011.
- The Smart Phone Con Job: Your So-Called 4G Phone Isn’t What It’s Cracked Up To Be AlterNet, June 30, 2011.
- Shills R Us: Organizations That Get AT&T Cash Endorse its Mega-Merger with T-Mobile, AlterNet, June 22, 2011.
- The Secret $8 Billion Wireless Scam: How AT&T, T-Mobile and Verizon Game the System, AlterNet, June 20, 2011.
- AT&T and T-Mobile Edge Closer to Merger, What’s In It For Customers? Very Little, AlterNet, June 9, 2011.
- It’s Time to Break Up AT&T, Verizon, Comcast, Time Warner and the Rest of the Telecoms, AlterNet, May 11, 2011.
- “TV wars: How the telecommunications trust is shaping the future of the Internet … and indie film”, Filmmaker, Spring 2011.
- Network Faiure: The Crisis in America’s Telecommunications Network (with Bruce Kushnick), CounterPunch, March 12-14, 2010.
- The Comcast-NBC Merger & the Future of Internet Video, Z magazine, February 26, 2010.
- The Outrageous Ways Your Phone Company May Be Stealing from You, with Bruce Kushnick, AlterNet, February 9, 2011.
- How AT&T, Verizon and the Telecom Giants Have Captured the Regulator Supposed to Control Them, with Bruce Kushnick, AlterNet, January 8, 2011.